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曼尼托巴大学位于曼尼托巴省省会温尼伯市,位于加拿大中部地区,距美加边境70公里,是一座四季分明非常美丽的城市,素有“北方芝加哥”的美誉。著名的红河(Red River )横穿全市,您可以享受受大片的绿地、天然的森林和市民的友好;同时温尼伯格市又是一座非常现代化的城市。市内的大学和图书馆提供免费的宽带上网。温尼伯还是加拿大的“表演艺术之都”,这里有世界一流的芭蕾舞团,交响乐团,以及大大小小的剧院。每年,世界上最大的多文化艺术节都会在这里举行。​

曼尼托巴大学有分处三处——Bannatyne校区、Fort Garry校区和William Norrie中心。位于市中心McDermot和William两街之间的Bannatyne校区在温尼伯健康科学中心西部,由10栋楼组成。这个综合建筑里有大学的医学和牙齿教学区。牙医系、医药系、医学恢复学院和牙齿卫生学院是这个校区里健康科学单位的主要院系。药剂系和95,000平方英尺的Apotex Centre在2008年10月16日加入了这个校区。Fort Garry主校区是位于温尼伯南部红河边的综合建筑群,占地233公顷,有超过60个专业在此进行教学与研究工作。另外,由7栋建筑构成的Smart Park大学工业园也设在此,其内入驻多家研究研发组织。

It is the largest university both by total student enrollment and campus area in the province of Manitoba, and the 17th-largest in all of Canada. The campus boasts dozens of faculties including the first medical school in Western Canada, and hundreds of degree programs. It is a member of the U15 and of Universities Canada while its global affiliations include the International Association of Universities and the Association of Commonwealth Universities. Its increased global outreach has resulted in one of the most internationally diverse student bodies in Canada, while its competitive academic and research programs have consistently ranked among the top in the Canadian Prairies.

The Manitoba Bisons represent the team in athletics as a member of U Sports and Canada West (CWUAA).

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